Site Overview is one of the leading online business information resources in Ireland - currently attracting more than 30,000+ unique visitors each month and achieving in excess of 1,150,000+ page views per month.

IFSC Facts and Figures

  • 500+ firms
  • Average salary of €60,100
  • Total Direct Employment of 38,000+
  • Indigenous firms employ almost 6,000
  • Firms operate from more than 20 different counties throughout Ireland
  • Accounts for 10% of multi-national employment in Ireland
  • IFSC companies now account for about 38 per cent of all financial services corporation tax revenues.
  • Contributes approximately €2.1bn to the Irish Exchequer
  • Comprises 5% of all EU 27 cross-border financial services activity

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Sandyford was developed in response to the ever increasing need for information within the Sandyford area. The site lists over 700 companies spread over 100 industry categories and is dedicated to providing you with all the information on Sandyford and its related services. has partnered with some of the biggest websites in Ireland & now supplies property information from, live jobs from efinancialcareers & as well as local news & events, mapping, accommodation & restaurant guides for the Sandyford area.

The web site is managed and maintained by IFSCOnline Ltd.

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Special Offers

Mitchell & Son : On the Spot Whiskey Set

At the peak of the Victorian whiskey boom, Mitchells originated the system of labelling casks with a daub of paint that identified the age of the whiskey inside and the names of these iconic whiskeys have survived to today.

Park Academy Childcare Groupschemes Corporate Discount

At Park Academy Childcare we also know that juggling work and family life can be challenging.